Since the rise of humanism, many have attempted to praise the creation rather than the creator. People seek to stress the potential value and goodness in humans for a single reason, to deny the existence of God! And the purpose of this is so that people wouldn’t have to follow God’s rules. We try to cover the imperfections of the body using any given option to us and make ourselves visually attractive to hide the gross and perverted sinful nature within us. That does NOT make you or me a better person! You do know that any human consists of the following three: body, soul and spirit. Just because the body receives pleasure, entertainment or satisfaction, does not mean the soul and spirit are equally content.
The spirit, being of God, may ONLY be satisfied when the human allows spiritual interaction with the Holy God. It may be through spiritual songs and hymns (Ephesians 5:19), or a spiritual connection (when our spirit and the Holy Ghost joining as one) with the Lord (1st Corinthians 6:17) also known as praying in the Holy Ghost (Judah 1:20), or a sacrifice of praise to God continually (Hebrew 13:15), and being spiritually minded as it is written “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” These practices allow our spirit to thrive and grow in satisfaction. Let’s not forget that as we eat daily, our spirit must also receive spiritual food from the Holy Book – The Bible.
– Yuriy Govorukhin-